Latest news

2024-06-04 15:10:29
Journée Technique dédiée à la Tomographie X
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2024-03-07 10:37:19
INSIDIX proposes SEM/EDS service inspections using its brand new Zeiss Sigma 360 VP
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2024-01-11 09:51:26
INSIDIX signed an agreement with ESRF and proposes ultra high resolution tomography analyses
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2023-08-23 08:44:08
INSIDIX moves into its new office
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2023-06-19 15:18:06
News in the metrology department !!
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2023-01-03 10:24:19
Happy New Year 2023
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2021-05-10 10:00:00
New X-Ray Tomographe!!!
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2021-04-02 08:45:21
TDM : BGA Balls Coplanarity measurement
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